
Showing posts from November, 2017

From Saint To Sinner

Narcissist.  Psychopath.  Sociopath.  Gaslighting.  Abuse. Words that two years ago I would have glanced at with likely no reaction.  Just words.  Now each one cuts like a knife. When I met him, there was nothing that could have convinced me any of these things would be a part of the relationship we were about to have.  He was kind.  He was charming.  He was generous.  He liked all the same things I did!  He wanted the same future.  Sure he was willing to sleep with me the first time we met despite the fact that he had a girlfriend (I did not let that happen) at the time, but they had a "bad relationship" she was "crazy" and I somehow brushed that under the rug.  The first red flag I ignored.  Emotional abuse is a funny thing.  There are no visible scars.  Most of the time you don't even realize it's happening before it's too late.  Friends started pointing it out to me close to the end.  "You're being gaslighted" my roommate sa